Monday, January 4, 2010

Report From Ladder Company 40 Day 106

Hi Team!

I slept well, even though I did not go to bed until 4:30 in the morning. My brother went to bed around 1:00 but then Wendi and I got to talk and I learned so much about her and we shared experiences and mother tips and all kinds of stuff. She is so sweet and always seems so put together. I really admire her strength and determination in life. She is such a wonderful mother, wife and friend (and sister-in-law!)

Two stations got called out for medical calls at the same time today so we had to take squad 6 and move up to another station to cover the area better. When we got to the station we were sent to we prepared to wash the squad. Before we even pulled a hose for the job, the dispatcher requested we move to another station as one of the crews was already on their way back to the barn. So we did. When we got to the next station, we did indeed wash the squad. She was very dirty. Of course, being the goofball I am, I was thrilled to be washing the rig. I mean, that’s what firemen do, they wash the apparatus and keep it shiny. While I was hosing her off before scrubbing, my bro was on the radio to the chief. The chief asked him if I had been able to ride along with him and he told him I had and that I was washing the squad and loving it. The chief laughed and told my brother, “Way to delegate!” It doesn’t take much to amuse me or please me.

When we were released to return to station 6 we took a small side trip. "Brother's Town" has a major motor cross race track and holds national events. Today there was an event in progress and BTFR mans  the event in case of injuries. We pulled in with the squad and were waved through. Because the fire department has official business there, they are considered staff. As such, my bro was able to take me up in the tower, where the ESPN announcer would have been had this been a national event today. From here you can see most of the track, and the general public never  gets to see this view first hand. It was kind of cool to be able to do that. It sure was MUDDY!!! Of course we did this AFTER washing the squad. When we returned to station 6 we hosed her down again. She looks all shiny and pretty right now.  Sorry I can't include pictures from the motor cross track.  I apparently erased them accidentally.  =(

There really wasn’t anything else exciting fire department-wise. My brother talked to us at dinner about some new department procedures and policies that will be very good for the citizens of Brother's Town Fire and Rescue’s district and I was very pleased to hear of these changes, as was my brother but I am not going to go into detail here about that. 

I guess I should get down to the actual report for the day. I barely made my two quarts today. And because my day started with jumping into my clothes and running out the door with out combing my hair, to cover another area I didn’t have time to put Pete into service today. It is all good though since today is a national holiday. I guess I will give myself one for being a holiday, one for drinking my fluids and one for sleeping. That makes me three for three unless one of you takes issue with the freebie for the holiday in which case it is still 2 for three. I was having such a good time visiting with my bro and the kids and Wendi and her mother. The adults spent a few hours playing quadruple solitaire. The game is affectionately called "Oh Hell", or "Peanuts", among other things. It is a cutthroat game and we had a ball playing.

Later my brother and I spent several more hours playing Lego Star Wars again. We are really wasting a lot of time, but we are having such a blast spending time together and playing that I don't care about the wasted time. I am so glad he is only a few hours away and I can break away for a short periods and come see him.

Bro, you and your family are amazing!!!!

Until next time, stay safe!

Hotflash out.


  1. Karen,

    you washed the rig:a tiny part of what the firefighters have to do...some like doing it,some not...i heard that from different guys here.

    i'm glad that you have a great time with your family.

    take care and say:"bonjour" from me.

  2. Fireball,

    I know that is a VERY tiny part of what firefighters do. I was just having fun with it. My brother doesn't seem to mind washing the rigs. Like you said, some do some don't. I'm sure it can get old in a hurry when it is routine. I really did have a great time there though. I always do. (Next time I hope I get to go to a fire!) =D

  3. "Bro, you and your family are amazing!!!!"

    Naaaah, actually we're overrated. But we seem to have you fooled!
