Sunday, October 18, 2009

Report From Ladder Company 40 -Day 38

Hi Team!

Today is Sunday, my day of rest! (Good thing I worked so hard on Friday!)

I only logged 2,522 steps with Pete today. I guess that is about par for a sunday, for me.

I had my two quarts of fluids today, mostly water, even. Yay me! I did not sleep nearly enough last night and I am heading for too late of a night now. Hopefully the novelty of high speed internet will wear off soon.

Tomorrow is a walk day so I will have some work put in by next blog.

That's really all I have to report right now.

Thanks for your continued support and encouragement. I love you guys so much!

Stay safe!

Hotflash out.

Report From Ladder Company 40 -Day 37

Hi Team!

OOOPS! I Forgot to post yesterday! Here it is, late.

I was so excited about FINALLY having high speed internet, that I did nothing but watch YouTube and catch up on a few games on facebook that I had given up on with dial up. I never knew there were so many cool firefighting related videos on YouTube! My favorite is: Click on the link or cut and paste into your browser. It is awesome!

Anyway, I forgot to put Pete on the waist band yesterday so I don't have a step count for the day. Suffice it to say it was minimal. I've already admitted I spent the day on YouTube!

I did eat moderately, and I drank a good 3 or more quarts of fluids yesterday! I attended my second Fire Buff Battalion meeting too. I'll tell you about it later in another Flashpointz blog.

That's about it. Sorry it was short!

Stay Safe!

Hotflash out.