Thursday, October 8, 2009

Report From Ladder Company 40 -Day 29

Hi Team!

Today has been a great day. It was beautiful out and I am feeling pretty darn good about the loss of inches I recorded yesterday. And Coach Alex left me a great, encouraging comment on my blog, that was especially nice. Thanks, Chicky.

Today Pete documented 10,136 steps! YAY ME! It wasn't even an "exercise day." Tomorrow is supposed to be but I have to work and then I have other commitments, so we will see what happens.

I drank right around two quarts today so I'm still on track there.

I still need to get more sleep. I am not very disciplined in this department at all! (I'm sure nobody has noticed that, though!) Speaking of which, I should be doing that now so "Hasta luego y...."

Stay Safe!

Hotflash out!