Saturday, December 19, 2009

Report From Ladder Company 40 Day 93

Hi Team!

I slept about 7 hours last night! YAY ME! I have had about 2 1/2 quarts of herbal tea and water today. I looked at Pete's log and he claimed 5,672 steps today. Pretty average for a weekend I think, which is funny because I was out and about Christmas shopping for a good portion of the day. At least I can say I am three for three today! :D

I don't have anything interesting to tell you so here is a pic from the Awards Ceremonies I attended for the TFD recently:

Here are some of our crew. (Left to right) Bob, Du-Mike, Kathay, Wilby (TFD Chaplain, not Fire Buff), Me and Cat who is our President.


Good night and stay safe!

Hotflash out.

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