Monday, February 8, 2010

Report From Ladder Company 40 Days 144 and 145

Hi Team!

Let's see, Sunday was a typical day of rest.  I got plenty of sleep last night.  YAY ME!!  I didn't get a whole lot of exercise in but wasn't lazy either and I drank two quarts today.  I know that is my minimum goal but at least I made it.  3 for 3 today =)

This morning when I was getting ready for church there were a lot of sirens that continued for a long time so I knew it must be a pretty substantial fire.  We didn't get a call to respond but it did make the news.  Check it out.  It happened less than two miles from my house!

I found out that CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams)  training is available this spring during the month of March.  It is taught by our local fire department.  The classes are based on the model developed by FEMA and teach citizens how to help each other in the first few hours after a disaster until emergency responders are able to get there to render professional help.  (we all know that in a huge disaster, a few hours could be a lot longer!)  Students will gain hands-on skills such as how to put out small fires, render first aid in a disaster situation, and perform light search and rescue.  There are six classes and one day of practical exercises.  Many cities across the country provide CERT training and in our city it is provided to us free of charge unlike some other places.

I will be in CERT classes starting the second week of March, every tuesday and thursday from 6:30-9:00 pm and will finish up on Saturday the 27th.  Then I will start EMT school on Monday the 29th!  I am very excited to be able to participate in CERT and even more excited that my husband signed up to do it too!

That's all for Sunday.


Today was an awesome day.  I met Coach Alex and we had our morning walk.  I really enjoy walking with Alex because we both talk too much and it makes the time pass quickly.  Before we know it, we've completed our hour/3 miles and it's time to go!  It's going to be tough the next week and a half or so.  Coach Alex and Johnny Boy leave for California on Wednesday so I won't have her to kick my butt if I don't walk on Wed and Fri.  In addition, my work schedule is crazy the week of the 15-19th so I won't be meeting her to walk that week either.  BEFORE you all decide to collectively kick my butt about that... (because you are all so awesome that way) I am still planning on walking.  I will just have to be motivated to do it without my Coach.  But that's the beauty of blogging... built in accountability!

I drank 3 quarts today.  YAY ME!  I also slept well last night so I am three for three again.  WOO HOO!

Well, that's it for today, team!  Thanks for the support.  You are all AWESOME!!

Stay safe.

Hotflash out.

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