Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Report From Ladder Company 40 Day 121(days 118,119, and 120 are hidden)

Hi Team!

Guess what???

For reasons which I will explain in a later post, I have been going over previous posts and discovered something interesting.  I have two posts titled day 92, two posts titled day 93 and one post not titled at all!  That means that today is really not day 118 but day 121, hence the crazy title to this blog!  I guess I really DO need to get more sleep! LOL

Speaking of sleep... I slept fairly well last night but still did not want to get up.  I drank my two quarts today, and so far not an ounce more but I'll be up another hour or so, so we'll see.  I did not exercise today (Pete logged 3,876 steps), not because I didn't want to, but because I had a smal personal crisis.  It seems that I forgot to enter some debit purchases into my check register at Christmas time and it caught up with us.  I had to go to the bank and make sure everything was straightened out.  I am fortunate enough to have payment protection on my account so they paid the checks out, but charged me four 25 dollar fees.  They were really awesome when I went in today though and reversed all the charges.  Luckily I had the money in another account to cover the mistakes!  God is SO good!  Ok, so I am 2 for 3 today.  I want to be in bed by 10:00.
Gotta go!

Stay safe.

Hotflash out

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!! God is always looking out for us! I always wondered about the numbers on the title, I know I'd get them all confused!
