Sunday, October 18, 2009

Report From Ladder Company 40 -Day 37

Hi Team!

OOOPS! I Forgot to post yesterday! Here it is, late.

I was so excited about FINALLY having high speed internet, that I did nothing but watch YouTube and catch up on a few games on facebook that I had given up on with dial up. I never knew there were so many cool firefighting related videos on YouTube! My favorite is: Click on the link or cut and paste into your browser. It is awesome!

Anyway, I forgot to put Pete on the waist band yesterday so I don't have a step count for the day. Suffice it to say it was minimal. I've already admitted I spent the day on YouTube!

I did eat moderately, and I drank a good 3 or more quarts of fluids yesterday! I attended my second Fire Buff Battalion meeting too. I'll tell you about it later in another Flashpointz blog.

That's about it. Sorry it was short!

Stay Safe!

Hotflash out.



    If you haven't been there yet, go there. Has FF news, pics, vids and all kinds of stuff. I love it!

  2. 911,

    Thanks! I'll check it out!

